13/10/2011, 01:38 PM
I do like to have something physical in my possession. Also regarding some digital download policies, such as download once or available for a certain amount of time after purchase, I feel that wee could be cheated more as those with poor connections could end up spending money on things they can't download as their interwebz just derped. Also the state of the UK's infrastructure alone is poo poo. Whilst wee are rolling out fibre's, BT still have their finger up their arse. It's gonna be a while before the idea will work well if it takes.
EDIT: I would expect with most digital purchases though that if cloud storage becomes the norm with most digital vendors then there wouldn't be much of a worry about whether internet speeds are poo poo to download as it'll be in there name in their personal cloud space thingy stuff
EDIT: I would expect with most digital purchases though that if cloud storage becomes the norm with most digital vendors then there wouldn't be much of a worry about whether internet speeds are poo poo to download as it'll be in there name in their personal cloud space thingy stuff