Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Library Catalogue Replacement
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Pages: 1 2
Wee're firing the IT staff responsible for the catalogue system, since they demand too much pay and usually wasted internet bandwidth anyway.

Wee have found someone willing to work for much less - this bookworm you see here:
[Image: bookworm.jpg]

She apparently knows the location and contents of every book in the library, meaning that you can simply forward your catalogue queries onto her instead.  She'll even fetch all the books for you too.
To top it off, if you're bored reading books, you can get a laugh by telling her that books suck.

I love employing kids.
Can't beat an adorable bookworm.
Heyyou i stopped reading books long ago
well it's not to late to start again.
Specky I'll see if i can get a book to read. XD too bad the librarian isn't like this girl If
Shiori :3

Source: YouTube
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]Shiori :3

Source: YouTube

Blur She can't scream,  imma find the name of the anime and dl Yay
Can someone recommend a fansubber for this anime?
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]ColorMeSubbed

Pages: 1 2
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