Endless Paradigm

Full Version: TeamSpeak3 CTF Creation Help
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I just wanted to know if anyone was interested
in joining a Teamspeak 3 server and chatting PSP
with me? I mean...I think it's a good idea.
There'd be live support for different areas of
CTF creation and XMB modding.

Learning how to make your own...
     - ptf
     - font
     - vsh
         - module
            - paf.prx
            - vshmain.prx
         - resource
            - topmenu_icon.rco (transparent icons)
            - topmenu_plugin.rco
            - opening_plugin.rco
            - system_plugin.rco
            - system_plugin_bg.rco
            - system_plugin_fg.rco

Well if anyone's interested reply and I'll post the
information for the server.
Look for me under Custom Channels on The Official TeamSpeak Public Server
the name of the channel is: PSP Hacking Modding
the password for the channel is: "psp" (no quotes)
I'll always make it the same thing each time I'm online so look for me
I of course will go by my username on here: slyboogy27
Up for chat of any kind but I like talking PSP's and games
(might not always feel like TALKING but will respond to questions, speaking or message)
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