Win8/WP7's Tile UI ('Metro UI') theme.
Archive is including two colors.
Update V2:fix some texts visual and add 620/635 version.
That looks really good!

Looks really good ,thnk you.
Looks real nice!
By the way, I was a bit bored so I edited your screenshot a bit just for fun, just an idea if you ever make a remix of this theme.
Wow this looks pretty good. Well done!
Thiss theme makes me want to update , just for trying this im stll on M33
Looks very impressive. Will try it out soon :D
gsmoke Wrote: [ -> ]Thiss theme makes me want to update , just for trying this im stll on M33

Dmise Wrote: [ -> ]Looks real nice!
By the way, I was a bit bored so I edited your screenshot a bit just for fun, just an idea if you ever make a remix of this theme. 
Sorry, this request won't be resolved

some long texts(Sign up for PSN,Connected Display settings, and other), show at out of screen.
![[Image: 0013_20110928190027.png]](