Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [6.20/6.35/6.39/6.60]MetroUI Tile Style GREEN/BLUE
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Pages: 1 2
Thanks, the idea is really good, I'll try-it
can u convert it to 6.20
MetroUI Tile Style GREEN/BLUE [Converted to 6.20]
I just converted it for 6.20, but I haven't tested it. Here's the download for both Green and Blue version of the Metro CTF Theme: http://www.mediafire.com/?x4pprkbz7666xz9
Lol wee posted it at the same time.
Uhhmmm @Insidexdeath

[Image: 312949_252851951417059_100000767675595_6...8371_n.jpg]

there is a problem

the alignment of the memory stick is in the center not left

and its not compatible of GCL becausee of some text

If I only had my Old Win XP i can edit and convert this theme by my self
Update V2:fix some texts visual and add 620/635 version.

i checked it on Codestation's GC Lite v1.5 r3 with PSP-2000 6.39 ME-9.4
MS text will be shown correctly.
Looks slick! Nice job.
Pages: 1 2
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