Haven't read full article, but sounds amazing, and scary...
Soon, every shop will have something similar installed to "better target shoppers". Just try to think of the most revolting thing you can whilst walking past them :P
But..... Most of my dreams I don't want other people to see D=
wethegreenpeople Wrote: [ -> ]But..... Most of my dreams I don't want other people to see D=
Don't worry, no-one will comment on the beastiality you think about in bed.
For sure it will have marketing application.
I saw now cameras wich can read our bio rhythm , soon as a result of this research
the same camera will also know what wee think and if wee are thinking in something bad
prevent it ... well wasn't that a movie already , minority report.
gsmoke Wrote: [ -> ]the same camera will also know what wee think and if wee are thinking in something bad
prevent it ... well wasn't that a movie already , minority report.
I think they may find their hands rather full if they tried to do that.
Big true Sensei. You said it best.
..and then wee'll have Inception...
Speaking of movies, I still need to see Minority Report.