Endless Paradigm

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RalphFox Wrote: [ -> ]
Laybia Wrote: [ -> ]Um, I am curious about what`s the size of normandy or the enterprise`s ai database! Do you really think so? Oh, you are a greedy?

Verry curious about the complete size of all ships db ai added to the square root of the PI with the logarithmic number of 0! Oh, and that divided by 0! I am greedy for nonsense information, you are? ah, now i got the nonsense word, non-sense! But im-a-gine all those! can you? as a magic sorcerer, can you create a scientific equipment?
Er *thinks* Oh my- you are using too many words for me to parse, Unit.
Laybia Wrote: [ -> ]Er *thinks* Oh my- you are using too many words for me to parse, Unit.

lets resume all that to a single Yay , and proceed to the next iteration:

Now using Mass effect conversation ring:

                         [O hai ther]

[Activate purge]   <<   ()        [How are you?]

                   [No cookies for you!]
RalphFox Wrote: [ -> ]
Laybia Wrote: [ -> ]Er *thinks* Oh my- you are using too many words for me to parse, Unit.

lets resume all that to a single Yay , and proceed to the next iteration:

Now using Mass effect conversation ring:

                         [O hai ther]

[Activate purge]   <<   ()        [How are you?]

                   [No cookies for you!]
Um. Too many freaking words, Unit.
Joomla12 Wrote: [ -> ]stop
I will just stop talking now. Stop laybia?
Joomla12 Wrote: [ -> ]stop
Is there an echo in here?
i like to poop
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