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Full Version: Some help with networking
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here at college trying to some networking for the greater good of humanity and me...
College internet requires us to use a 802.1x sign on (basically our school username and password) to connect to the network on any machine
I have one computer with two ethernet ports that is capable of using the 802.1x sign on
and I have one computer with one ethernet port that is capable of using the 802.1x sign on
I have a wireless router that can also function as a network bridge, that is COMPLETELY INCAPABLE of using the 802.1x sign on

here's a lovely MSPaint Picture of my shit and a description of what must be done
[Image: tDGNn.png]

My connection directly from the wall must be 802.1x authenticated (otherwise I suffer from dial up speeds and sometimes possibly no internet at all)
All computers (and a printer) on the inside of my router/wireless bridge network must be able to be seen by all the networked computers outside the network...
Both computers must have internet access
Ideally the router is thrown in here somewhere too and has the ability to provide wireless internet access....

So any ideas on how I would start hooking this up? e.e
Also if I am required to buy something else or if there are any other ideas I'll consider them...
See if there's a firmware update for the router, or perhaps custom firmware which allows it to authenticate.
Otherwise, use the computer with 2 ethernet ports as a bridge to everything else.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]See if there's a firmware update for the router, or perhaps custom firmware which allows it to authenticate.
Otherwise, use the computer with 2 ethernet ports as a bridge to everything else.

using the computer as a bridge seems to somehow disable 802.1x authentication
the router seems to offer no support for 802.1x as most companies only authenticate wifi connections not LAN lines with 802.1x
I've never had that type of authentication anyway.  How do you actually connect?  I would presume it's some setting in the networking properties?
when you right click the connection it allows you to enable 802.1x authentication
there you can preset user credentials or you can uncheck the box that says to use your windows sign on name and pass and that will allow you to enter authentication info upon connection oo
Looked at any Linux solutions?
I really dunno otherwise.
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