Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Extended OSK v2
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Extended OSK v2 [5.00 to 6.60 support]
Spoiler for description:
Author: Total_Noob

Extended OSK plugin extends the on-screen keyboard functionality by adding the ability to copy & paste text.

Added support for FW 5.00-6.60.
Removed psp-packer.
Fixed bug that sometimes paste weird characters.
[Image: ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg] [Image: originalsource.png]
[Image: extendedosk.png]
Quote:Extended OSK, as the name suggests, extends the functionality of the on-screen keyboard. Install and activate this plugin and you’ll have the ability to conveniently copy & paste text by executing two key combos:

1. ‘Enter’ + ‘Analog Left’ to copy text; and
2. ‘Enter’ + ‘Analog Right’ to paste.

Enter being ‘X’ or ‘O’ depending on your button assignment.

Source code included.
Awesome... No DL Link??
UrbanHybrid Wrote: [ -> ]Awesome... No DL Link??

How can you not see it? Facepalm
Nice plugin.
doesn't work for me
PSP 3000 6.20 TN-E Xtended.................!!!!
Wow! This is awesome dude! Thanks!
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