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Full Version: [Help] Driver nvlddmkm
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[Image: errorhv.jpg]

Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered.
I get that ^^ error whenever i play RuneScape. The screen goes black and the
game crashes.

The computer also freezes frequently, whenever im using it, doing other stufs.
(Ex: Using Microsoft Office or Exploring the Internet)
My Internet Browser also freezes a lot and it's very slow.

Im starting to think that my Computer is dying. I have search for solutions and
i have tried most of them, but the problem is still there.

My Computer is an HP Pavilion a6437c Desktop PC with Windows Vista: Home Premium 64-bit.
Update your Nvidia driver.
Yeah that is a driver issue

I thought it was pretty self explanatory, display driver fails, update it.
The problem is playing RuneScape Not-again
No. Your computer is not dying. Update the driver, OS, or switch to Linux.
I'll update all NVIDIA Drivers and while time passes I'll keep an eye for the problem to see if it appears again.
just as an aside, i had this issue with a game, and it was actually the new drivers causing the issues. If that doesn't solve it, try using older drivers instead
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