Endless Paradigm

Full Version: God of Themes HELP / Half Release?
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Introducing a theme I've been working
on for quite some time now...

God of Themes

[Image: Preview1.jpg]

[Image: Preview2.jpg]

Of course I enjoy this preview a lot more
because I love that particular blade.

Anyways...to the point of this post.
Okay I need HELP and from what
it seems like lately I need a ton of it.
I really like working on these themes.
I've done so much work on this theme
already and I've barely even started.

[Image: whyowhy.gif]

Now! I ask for help from ANYONE and EVERYONE.
Especially those interested in this theme
OR...future themes.

  • Haunter Remixed (Pokémon Theme)
  • Paper Mario Theme - 64 version / Possible GC Version
  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl Theme / Melee? Seperate?

(If anyone likes the style that I make themes?)

Anyway I figured I'd just release what I have
so far to save everyone a little time.

Anyone who knows
(not entirely too sure who knows what here
at this website yet)

But anyone who knows .rco and .prx manipulation...
I think I need your help the most.

Well here's what my PSP screenshot of the theme
looks like right now...

[Image: Screenshot42.jpg]

I've included everything I've
Photoshopped, found online, compiled and saved
all into a few very intricate Adobe Photoshop files.
I use Adobe Photoshop CS3 to create everything
and Fireworks CS3 to compress and save things.

[Image: madwin.gif]

that's the way you're supposed to do it? Haha.

Well here it is

God of Themes Package

Please. SOMEONE take a look. I put a ton of work
into this theme. I just want it to look like the first
2 previews.

Oh! Up to date CTF included [ 08/29/2011 ]
UNFINISHED of course -.-''''
what firmware version is this theme for?
5.00m33-6 is the one I'm on right now.
I have ideas for a 6.xx version of this theme.
Of course, it's a whole different ball game.
But, I can learn.
I want this theme to be for...
Here's a link to what I posted before in the help section.
Hopefully someone thinks it's worth it to teach me all
the things I need help on in that post. It's detailed.

positioning help for various areas of new theme
what do you need help with? i read your post 3 times and never saw it...
to move the white line down,
use rcomage on topmenu_plugin.rco and move the entire xmb down.

heres the xml with the lines added, just change the numbers on "basetop" "posy".

then use ctftool's prx editor to move everything back up in vshmain.prx.

the horizontal text position is in paf.prx.
Well what wee have here , looking nice slyboogy, i hope you finish it.
gsmoke Wrote: [ -> ]Well what wee have here , looking nice slyboogy, i hope you finish it.

Thanks gsmoke I'm sure as hell trying.

[Image: if.gif]
did some editing hope it helps

imwolfuk Wrote: [ -> ]did some editing hope it helps

Hm...thanks imwolfuk
I'll see what I can do with it...

[Image: hoho.gif]

I like the dot animation and
how it shows up even over the
wallpaper. Gonna use that
particular .rco if you don't mind.
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