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Full Version: Full PopsLoader v4b Alpha 4
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[Image: popsloaderv4b.png]

Authors: Virtuous Flame , popsdeco

PopsLoader for custom firmware 6.XX PRO/ME. Play *any* PS1 (PSOne) game on your PSP.

Hold Right Trigger while launching your pops.

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I recommend this pops for 6.39 ME.

Set your [CPU CLOCK GAME] to [Default] for analog stick to work.
tnx this is awesome!
correct me if im wrong but isn't this obsolete?
v4e has been released as well as official pops v3.
errr, dude... the latest one is unofficial v4e... check it out at wololo's talk forum
Augusta Wrote: [ -> ]correct me if im wrong but isn't this obsolete?
v4e has been released as well as official pops v3.


shinigami7th Wrote: [ -> ]errr, dude... the latest one is unofficial v4e... check it out at wololo's talk forum


bsanehi  Wrote:I recommend this pops for 6.39 ME.

Did you not read?
The purpose of new revisions are to fix bugs.
There have been 3 revisions since 4b. 4b is outdated and obsolete. Why use PRO-B3 knowing that PRO0-B9 is out?

It doesn't make any sense.
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]
shinigami7th Wrote: [ -> ]errr, dude... the latest one is unofficial v4e... check it out at wololo's talk forum


bsanehi  Wrote:I recommend this pops for 6.39 ME.

Did you not read?

I did read that part and it can mean many things ("this pops" can refer to popsdeco's popsloader generally or even the new popsloader project as a whole... Think about it). I and Augusta clearly thought that you did not notice the latest v4e; after all, this thread is posted under the News category. Maybe you can consider the following phrase instead:
"I recommend this particular version of popsloader rather than the latest v4e for 6.39 ME."

Sorry, my grammar nazi just needs to blow off his steam.

EDIT: v4b is a debug build... It will produce the debug logs as you use it. No big deal, but don't be alarmed if you find some .txt files in your MS.
There are no modules for 6.60 Pops.

i would like to know if this is still the best version to use for 6.39me 9.7

or has another popsloader version come out since that would be recommended..
ie. a non-debug version that works just as well

thank you
stOneskull Wrote: [ -> ]hi

i would like to know if this is still the best version to use for 6.39me 9.7

or has another popsloader version come out since that would be recommended..
ie. a non-debug version that works just as well

thank you

Yeah it's still the best for 6.39 ME 9.7
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