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= ISO Tool 1.978 has just been updated and release . ISO Tool 1.978 is the latest Homebrew application to be release by PSP Developer Takka who has decided to release this Signed and Unsigned version of his popular homebrew application ISO Tool 1.978 to the homebrew community . IF you are looking for a Homebrew application to help you patch your ISO , Then this cool well done ISO Tool is the perfect homebrew application for you . ISO Tool 1.978 is the latest version of this homebrew application . So if you are using a older version of ISO Tool , Then go ahead and download this latest version ISO Tool 1.978 below . Don’t forget to read the developer statement for more information about the release of ISO Tool 1.978 and it’s features .

Developer Statement
[NEW] (Installation media) Koihime Musou 蜀編 Fixed wrong ID

Koihime Musou 蜀編 of Fixed ID was wrong
Other changes are not so if you do not use the software update is not necessary

In 蜀編 1.977 Disc2 was only ready to install, also had a different location
The MS / PSP/SAVEDATA/ULJM05695INST2 because they’ve made ​​a folder named, Disc2 was going to install if you please delete

Source of Information
= takka.tfact.net and pspcustomfirmware.com


Installation (this app is for CFW use only)
1. Download .zip file from the link above
2. Extract the file in your computer
3. copy the contents of Iso_tool_cfw folder (not the folder itself , the contents) at the root of your memory stick.
credits goes all to takka for creating this great iso_tool 1.978
thnks sir...
excuse my ignorance... but I thought takka quit?
or left the scene or something.
there was a thread on it a little while ago and everyone was like omg, rip iso tool, QQ.
or something like that...

EDIT: never mind.
Takka came back!!And he will return to PSP Scene!!
I'm very grad :)

He said "When feeling calm, reports the Schedule"
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