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Full Version: [LEAKED] PSP Firmware Revision A Testing Tool 6:39
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I have the Revision A testing tool on the Gamescom taken as Present, and would like to divulge a few things the firmware.
where ever the version.txt


Furthermore, I have seen a development tool 6:39 firmware, but there is no installer. Would be interesting ...

[Image: 2QU4Z.jpg]

The coder The Z along with vis have leaked this
from Gamescom, and is illegal content, therefor there is no download link. (Google is your friend ;))
poo poo google is pissing me off, havent found anything.
[Image: vboDD.png]   Specky

Too bad i have a 2k.
It only works on 1k.
upload that spoon!
It's on The Z's twitter.
Can't watch video here.  What does this firmware do in particular?
Yea what does it do exactly? Does it give you access to any dev tools?
junKie Wrote: [ -> ][Image: vboDD.png]   Specky

Too bad i have a 2k.
It only works on 1k.

In the picture it clearly shows he's using a 3k not 1k.
Honestly, i call bullchocolate, i crawled all over to find this "leak" i don't think its real

Oh and by the way, if you mean the link pointing to an error message from dl.dropbox, then yeah, it is on his twitter
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