Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Anyone want to make some youtube vids for me?
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I have been making eboot art for some emulators and mostly PS1 games. (complete with animated video icons)

I wouldn't mind making a release  thread for all of them, but I would need someone to make some preview videos and upload them to youtube for me.  

The preview videos should have only the featured eboot displayed for each video.
So you would need to put it in it's own folder if you are using game_categories plugin.
This way no other eboot art is interfering with the view.

All my PS1 eboot art is done with the official sony style eboot art.  Madwin
It all looks very sharp.

If anyone is interested in working with me on this thread, I will share all my current and future eboot art.  Please post here if your interested in helping.

Thanks as always,
Im kind of interested, but what do wee get?
Mr. Shizzy's thanks is what you get
TheDarknessArrives Wrote: [ -> ]Im kind of interested, but what do wee get?

eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]Mr. Shizzy's thanks is what you get

That and you get access to all my unreleased eboot art  ;)
(as well as helping contribute to EP)
Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]
TheDarknessArrives Wrote: [ -> ]Im kind of interested, but what do wee get?

eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]Mr. Shizzy's thanks is what you get

That and you get access to all my unreleased eboot art  ;)
(as well as helping contribute to EP)

I would like to help Mr. Shizzy I wouldn't mind throwing together a few videos for you. If you still have the eboot art I'd love to start whenever you're ready.
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