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Full Version: Sony is still trying to keep the PSP alive....kinda
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Personally I don't see anything wrong with the design aspect of the unit. It looks pretty good, now functionality-wise I don't think it will be good for most people who have been using the PSP since the beginning but perhaps for new people or like DS noted, people that cannot afford the original units. It's all in the marketing when it comes down to it. They want to market this item to new people who just want to play the PSP games because you won't be able to on the Vita and most are not on the PSN. This way you can play the standard games and still enjoy the newer ones on the network at a little less cost. So in other words, this item is NOT marketed at the core user. It's offered to you but you don't have to buy it if you prefer the current PSP's available.
DS lite, 99$... Hmmmmm that's a waaaaaay better deal and has wi-fi. I rather get that then a chopped up PSP, without WI-FI, (Games people, multiplayer, not fudgeing web browser) mono is fine as I use headphones anyway, 99 Euros = 141.7284 US$, hell no. As for the GO, its still ugly, overpriced, no UMD (which is bad because some people have the UMD's, and some game makers don't support it.) Both devices in my opinion suck.
Well for them to consider this a lower price means that they were selling it for a higher value than this and if that's the case then this is a little better for those outside of the USA. Truth be told what I'm worried about the most is the fact that they approved a non-wifi unit. What I'm worried about is this might be a sign of them shutting down online multiplayer service on the current PSP's in order to make a new network for the Vita. So that means no more games like Phantasy Star Portable II or Killzone Liberation unless you can get Xlink Kai working on your end. Well on the plus side that means I'll have more company Hoho
at least it got a UMD drive unlike PSP Go, maybe my phat psp is still way better than this, lol, it got an infrared port, lol
krystabegnalie Wrote: [ -> ]at least it got a UMD drive unlike PSP Go, maybe my phat psp is still way better than this, lol, it got an infrared port, lol

Wish there was more infrared homebrew.... Whyowhy
Well at least there are typing programs and stuff like AFKIM to make it more than worth it. I still have my PSP Classics and two working Targus Keyboards. Although I agree that there should be more IR apps for the Classic.
To be honest...who uses the psp for wifi anymore, seriously...
Fair enough. I really didn't use the wi-fi that much anyways but I still like the comfort of knowing it's there! D:
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]Fair enough. I really didn't use the wi-fi that much anyways but I still like the comfort of knowing it's there! D:

I know the feel, but with all these superior devices with SUPERIOR wifi (come on... the psp has like wireless b? who bothers doing anything with it?) It's use is next to nothing, personally, because there are just so many better devices.

The ONLY thing I use wifi for is remote play with the broken ps3 I got, even then, that's used seldomly since my psp has a problem connecting to it throughout the house.
Tetris999 Wrote: [ -> ]To be honest...who uses the psp for wifi anymore, seriously...

Phantasy Star Portable 2
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