Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I'm totally into this chick
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Pages: 1 2
There's no denying that she's pretty :)

Have fun being naked mate.
have a happy jolly christmas you, her, and your little elf :he:
lol my lil elf is indeed having a jolly xxx-mas


By the way draggy how u get senior with 52 posts.man that ent fair i had to wait 222nd post
offtopic: its not about post count..its about contribution and some other reasons..
i got mod status at 30 posts lol

how do u like them apples????

ROFL nah its jus that i did contribute alot poviding people with mirrors and what not
I dunno, I was promoted to senior at 82 posts and I was only modded because I asked Zinga to mod me.

Back on topic, Shady, good for you, and have fun.
i got demodded... and i was the first registered user

anyways, good luck with your girl
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