Right now I'm on 6.39 ME-9.2 (PSP Slim)
If patpat updates CTF GUI to support 6.60, then I would update to 6.60 ME instantly.

NEW Updates!! of 6.60ME and 6.39(L)ME
thnks to neuron..
6.xx PRO-B9
6.60 PRO-B9
6.39 ME 9.4
6.60 ME 1.2
Has been released. ;)
junKie Wrote: [ -> ]6.xx PRO-B9
6.60 PRO-B9
6.39 ME 9.4
6.60 ME 1.2
Has been released. ;)
thanks junKie for sharing the updates

I got so. I only have internet problems.
6.60 ME OFW installer has been released.
(L)CFW 6.60 ME-1.3 released
supports all models now!!!
-- Added Backup/Restore Netconfig option in Recovery menu.
-- Fixed a bug when Use VshMenu while using RemotePlay, Skype, 1seg and PSN-store.
6.60 (L)ME-1.4 released
-- Fixed USB Connect in Recovery menu.(05g only).
-- Update VshMenu.