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Full Version: PspStatesMenu_Pict v1.02
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[Image: menupictv102bsanehi.png]

Authors: plum_429 , neur0n , hiroi01

Anyone who has even spent some time playing on an emulator knows what a savestate is. They're useful and can be invaluable when you're in a very difficult area of a game, but commercial games and consoles don't usually support the savestate feature.

This plugin itself is called PspStates and, as you may have guessed from the title, it lets you create savestates while playing games on your PSP Slim. Not in an emulator, but on your handheld itself. And yes, it's for Slims only.

With this plugin you can manage your games' save states and slots with an easy to use menu. hiroi01 has updated the PspStates Menu to include a picture of the save state.

Press Home Button.
Then Press Left/Right Triggers at the same time to bring up the states menu.
Circle to select / Cross to go back.
Triangle to delete.

[Image: ps_btn_dwnld_off.jpg]     [Image: originalsource.png]
Awesome stuff.
watch child porno Wrote: [ -> ]Watch a full kiddy porno

v1.01 out
How to use it?
this won't work at my psp 2000 6.39 PRO-B8.....
kakarotto Wrote: [ -> ]thanks
v1.01 out
How to use it?

I will update this thread in 10 min.

St0rMaGe Wrote: [ -> ]this won't work at my psp 2000 6.39 PRO-B8.....

I have tested this on 6.39 ME-9.2 works perfect.

Updated to v1.01

it's finally working!
how to use it?
you need 3 plugins, right?
pspstates, statesmenu and this?

can you post an image of what you've in /seplugins ?

Pages: 1 2
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