This is 'borrowed' work.
Roe-your-boat released this almost a year ago.
The ****** who copied this should be ashamed of himself.
Don't support frauds.
Augusta Wrote: [ -> ]This is 'borrowed' work.
Roe-your-boat released this almost a year ago.
The ****** who copied this should be ashamed of himself.
Don't support frauds.
This version was release yesterday, all i do is spread the word.

myn works on my pspgo 6.20 B9 anyway, but hex-edited for internal memory instead of memory card
TheDarknessArrives Wrote: [ -> ]Augusta Wrote: [ -> ]This is 'borrowed' work.
Roe-your-boat released this almost a year ago.
The ****** who copied this should be ashamed of himself.
Don't support frauds.
This version was release yesterday, all i do is spread the word. 
I'm grateful as well as everyone else here that you update news.
This was geared to the 'creator' of the application. I Apologize for the misunderstanding
I really hate this guy. : |
DJGodman PSPMods Wrote:This Made bY Me : DJGodman PSPModsā¢
I see NO credits to the original creator in the credits ABSOLUTELY NONE.
Also that download dun work by the way~
Or it's just he's such an ego butt munch that he had to stick his name on everything to the point that the filenames are so long that they can no longer be extracted by a program as common as winrar. : |
* Cirehpsa was the one who made the V2 design of this to move it away from and "obvious noobie photoshopist look (no offense to those guys but I really didn't like it) to a slightly nicer look only to have it completely destroyed again. : |
I iz sad.
Dude's a fraud. Already reported his forum to his host and reported his YouTube channel. (Reported for something else but that's all I needed...)
Joomla12 Wrote: [ -> ]Dude's a fraud. Already reported his forum to his host and reported his YouTube channel. (Reported for something else but that's all I needed...)
Please don't report me, im in his team just cause my Awesome video tutorials.