Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Noobz Team releases HEN support for Japanese Lumines
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[Image: lumines.jpg]

At the initial release of the 3.50 HEN and Lumines Downgrader only the European and US versions of the game were supported.

This was due to the fact that the team did not have a Japanese Lumines UMD on hand to use.

But thanks to the kind generosity of two PSP users: Daimaou and BDIGITAL, the Noobz team were able to obtain JPN copies of the Lumines

Thanks again Noobz team.

Megaupload Mirror

Yay - no more "wrong version of Lumines".

* ZiNgA BuRgA has no use for this
I don't need it for now.
can anyone can me a copy ;) i need it =.=
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