Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Is the PS3 worth it?
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I have some extra money from work and I was wondering, is the PS3 worth it to get? I already have an Xbox 360 and my parents told me they're buying me and my brothers a Wii for Christmas. Plus, a bunch of PS3 games have piqued my interest.
well if you have the money, i don't see why not? :D
meh, i won't get it.

U already have an x360, and getting a Wii. When u already have 2 consoles, the gains from geting the third is greatly diminished. And the PS3 costs a crapload. I don't really think it's worth it.
It can turn 2 teraflops in like a second.  D: That makes it worth it.
I'm asking because I'm wondering if I should get it now and buy my MacBook later or save up and buy a MacBook now and get the PS3 later.

And please, don't start on how I shouldn't get a mac, I've already made up my mind that a mac suits all my needs in a laptop.

If there's a lot ps3 games that catch on to your interest, then I suggest you get a ps3.
I would get a PS3, unless you need a laptop for school/work like I do.
Well, I don't need it till college (I'm a senior in high school), but it'd be really nice to have.

So far there are 5 games coming to PS3 that are must-haves for me: MGS4, Folklore, Haze (yes it's coming to 360 but it was made with the PS3 in mind), Final Fantasy XIII, and Final Fantasy Versus XIII
i think the macbook because after the wii comes the ps3 won't have much play plus ps3 aint been hacked yet so u guna have to fudge out $60-$70 for a game but with the macbook u will use that for ages
This is the question:

Have too much money, that it's burning holes in your pocket => get PS3
Otherwise => don't get PS3.

You have your answer.  (since you have 3 current-gen consoles, as well as a new laptop, chances are that you have money exploding your wallet)
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