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Full Version: Is the PS3 worth it?
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_VEndeTta Wrote:It can turn 2 teraflops in like a second.  D: That makes it worth it.

I heard that's just some theoretical value Sony feeds people, and that in actual reality, the PS3 can't perform even close to that amount. U can't rely on theoretical maximums.

The PS3 uses a custom Nvidia gpu based on the G70 architecture. (The same architecture as the GeForce 7 series, like the GeForce 7600 and 7900).

Even the recently released GeForce 8800gtx can only perform at about 550 gigaflops, and i doubt the older PS3 gpu using an inferior architecture is 4 times faster than the current fastest graphics chip on the market.

The PS3 gpu has only 256mb of VRAM, and is clocked at 550mhz. They claim it's faster than two 6800 Ultra, back then it may be a lot, but right now, that's not hard at all. It doesn't seem any "super special" to me.

metal_gear08 Wrote:So far there are 5 games coming to PS3 that are must-haves for me: MGS4, Folklore, Haze (yes it's coming to 360 but it was made with the PS3 in mind), Final Fantasy XIII, and Final Fantasy Versus XIII

well if these games are really "must get" for u, then u have little choice but to get a PS3.
ps3 can't play ps2 and psx games? is it true ?
huh? no it's backwards compatible just fine. it upscales my ps1 and ps2 games to my tv really well, too. surprisingly well :]
Double post
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:This is the question:

Have too much money, that it's burning holes in your pocket => get PS3
Otherwise => don't get PS3.

You have your answer.  (since you have 3 current-gen consoles, as well as a new laptop, chances are that you have money exploding your wallet)

yeah, this is the real issue.
also, i would suggest, instead of having all three systems, which is obviously and blatantly over-indulgent, you should figure out a small trip you would like to make (a comic/anime convention will change your life (no not really, but theyre fun)) or you should find a hobby you would like to invest in. for example... this super sweet goped that sounds like you're riding a chainsaw around.


not only do you have fun outside, you learn how to maintain a very simple engine. win/win!
lol I think I'm just gonna wait on the PS3 and buy a laptop first.

By the way, everyone saying that having all 3 is over-indulgent, if I got the PS3, then it would be the only one that is mine and mine alone. The Xbox is constantly hogged by my little brother and his friends, and I'm sure everyone will swarm the Wii once wee get it. It would be the only one I would be allowed to take with me when I move out.
no, just fudge PS3... too expensive... not worth.... lol
ps3 sucks
get a mac instead
get the mac imo
ps3 is much to expensive, or maybe get a wii :)
i have all the systems and ps3 iz so worth it

do it

my favorite is that i get to watch the movies on my psp on my tv screen using the ps3
bwahhhhhhhhh no more need 4 a dvd burner
from what i have heard when the 80gb ps3 comes out , the 60gb will no lolonger be made,i would love to get a ps3, but money situation prevents me from getting one, they have dropped the price on the 60gb ps3,it's at 499 now,maybe another 100 will fall , who knows
the 80gb will have a blueray burner on it!!!!
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