Bou-kun Wrote: [ -> ]I really didn't feel like making a thread so I'll post it here
Neur0n just released 6.60 ME BETA
remember it's only for hackable PSPs so people with a 2k(ta_88v3), 3k or Go don't bother unless you want a brick lol
6.60 ME BETA
cool :) thanks for the news,. since this is a beta i will install and see if i can find any bugs,. ;p
best to make a thread once the full version is ready ;) Neur0n is the best :)
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]Bou-kun Wrote: [ -> ]I really didn't feel like making a thread so I'll post it here
Neur0n just released 6.60 ME BETA
remember it's only for hackable PSPs so people with a 2k(ta_88v3), 3k or Go don't bother unless you want a brick lol
6.60 ME BETA
cool :) thanks for the news,. since this is a beta i will install and see if i can find any bugs,. ;p
best to make a thread once the full version is ready ;) Neur0n is the best :)
Me too, thanks for the news..! Testing, testing...

beta2 bug: Faild to play Video on XMB.
From ner0n's twitter^^
6.60 ME beta 3 released
-- Fixed a bug when select Video on XMB
-- Fixed a UmdVideo_Mount bug
-- Normal_iso_drive bug.
6.60 ME beta 3