Endless Paradigm

Full Version: (NEWS) Sony: No Vita launch in US or Europe this year
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I bet they're doing that to add some extra protection to the hard/soft/firmware to try to create yet another unhackable psp.
lol yeah i still have time to save, lol

anyways hope that the games are the same as with the PSP with region free games
Steven Wrote: [ -> ]The price of the PlayStation Vita is currently set at $249 (£223 / €249) for the standard Wi-Fi model, with a 3G plus Wi-Fi model available for $299 (£268 / €299).

Nice pricing for europeans.

249.00 USD = 176.774 EUR / 153.097 GBP
223.00 GBP
= 362.758 USD
249.00 EUR = 350.668 USD

299.00 USD
= 212.227 EUR /
183.839 GBP
268.00 GBP = 435.975 USD
299.00 EUR = 421.088 USD
damn! was hoping for this year since me and my wife were going to buy two as anniversary presents
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