Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PSVita - Remote Play, Play & Continuation
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[Image: remote-play-psp-ps3.jpg]

Phil Rogers, manager at Sony Europe said, now in an interview about a few features that the PlayStation Vita will have. The handheld will have from the start the feature of Remote Play. This allows PS3 games to directly stream on the PSVita. It takes over the console and handheld's computing power merely, and provides a representation of the graphic that looks exactly like it on the PS3. Also, the PSP already had this opportunity, but there was not even a handful of games that used this. Also on the PSVita this should now be different. An additional feature will also be present, so-called continuation play. Here you can assign its launched PS3 games in the form of a roughly 1 MB file on the PSVita and continue playing there on the road and then back again to save to the console. However, one must then also have the game for both systems. For the Hack 'n Slay ruin continuation play has already been confirmed. Furthermore, it should be possible to use the handheld as a controller for the PS3, similar to how it works for the new U Wii. In addition, Rogers again said that one  can look forward to several games with Crossplay(between multiplayer and PS3 PSVita players) such as WipEout2048 or Hustle Kings.


So what do you guys think?
this was laready possible with the Failoverflow hack,.. and a hack to play games with remoreplay on the psp-non-vita,... nothing new just some $$  comercial add,..
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