Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] DaedalusX64 rev. 721
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This update provides a fair amount of code cleanup and various additions to allow the emulator to
be more fluid and has better game compatibility with a little more comfort to users.


Quote:Rev. 721:

* Setting up a mapping for the device ENV Conker;
* Discontinuance of a function Hack 64 Racer (this feature was crashing Super Mario);
* Various code cleanups;
* Fixed a compilation error.


This is beta 3 right?
Pokemon Stadium always freezes.
Still waiting for the day Goemon runs on this lol
woow man :) relly nice post! +10
Thanks for this I have been so under the weather lately that I haven't compiled anything in a loooooooooong time, lol. Hate being sick.
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