Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] CSPSP 1.8.2 PaintBall MoD
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[Image: CSPSP182PaintBallMoD.jpg]

CSPSP 1.8.2 PaintBall MoD is a modified version of the popular PSP Homebrew Game known as
CSPSP 1.8.2 A.K.A Counter Strike PSP that has been modified with a new game play.
This version of CSPSP 1.8.2 not is available as a PaintBall Mod . Thanks to PSP French Developer
Omnitrix who has decided to release a new mod known as CSPSP 1.8.2 PaintBall MoD to the homebrew
community. CSPSP 1.8.2 PaintBall MoD includes single player as well as Multiplayer for online play.

Developer Statement

Quote:- Redesign graphics
- Ability to play online or solo
- Updating of all elements

CSPSP 1.8.2 PaintBall MoD


I got to say, This is a pretty cool game, specially the Multiplayer.
This is cool!
DUDE please check the your download link
unavailable. please.
~iRaiN~ Wrote: [ -> ]This is cool!
DUDE please check the your download link
unavailable. please.
It's working, you just have to click it and it'll start downloading.

the link in the op is for download fusa sd or something
First of all, why is the link for FUSA? Second, can wee get some screens?
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