Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Extreme Ps3 Theme Beta
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Here is my forgotten theme that i found cleaning my pc
it has some bugs but I'll fix soon

Animated Ps3 infobar .. in the future i will add mesage icon and avatar
and more Texts (i already done it but i don't know how to mess with delay times)

[Image: OgAAAGDg9Jwq8ugitPDeLe_jWW8jmHmovYwLfPpC...nFlQYi.jpg]

[Image: OQAAAA9VieS5IEGOLPD_N2YFUTyuQdk48w1AFDvT...qd87VS.jpg]

Every Rco are animated
Bugs May freeze when going to music and after photo,,osk can freeze too, because of patpat ps3 wave uses a lot of resources

If anyone wants i can attacha version without it

Thanks to
patpat >> CTFtool GUI and the wave
V1 >> sony_mod theme files
Tseneda >> p3t theme files
ZiNga BurgA

and others that i forgot to mention

for the time indicator to fit the infobar, go to settings and set the time format to 24h clock.]

Note For Better apperance set color to dark blue or orange
Nice one:)
i have one of thes ps3 themes that doesent crash when entring to music i fixed it a little bit. if you whant it to mod it or du what ever you whant whit them, i can send you a link to it sen me a pm if you what it :)

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