Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Released] MagicSave v3.6
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[Image: 2q0uirk.png]

After some time, MagicSave plugin for PSP has been updated to version 3.6
With that tool you can repair corrupted saves.

MagicSave Features:
Save files directly to qualified service
- Repairing a corrupted save file
- Save file patching (modified checksum code application modifications, handling and other free)
- Save file backup (CFW of Ver-independent files)
- Search the flag state compared to the non-encrypted data
Collecting · GameKey
- Other

Install it like a normal plugin!

For this version, the following changes have been made:

[Moving parts basic]

    Updated to latest Ver · libini

[Relationship between configuration files]

    Fixed a bug that freezes the specified load the ini for your own Key • Operation


    Source Code published

News Source:  QJ.net

Project Homepage:  http://magicsave.blog25.fc2.com/
Thanks for the news Shizzy :D
Yay! Thankx:)

but what does it do??
St0rMaGe Wrote: [ -> ]tnx!!!

but what does it do??

LOL.  you know - I wasn't exactly sure myself.  I did some googling and found this:

Quote:With that tool you can repair corrupted saves.

MagicSave Features:
Save files directly to qualified service
- Repairing a corrupted save file
- Save file patching (modified checksum code application modifications, handling and other free)
- Save file backup (CFW of Ver-independent files)
- Search the flag state compared to the non-encrypted data
Collecting · GameKey
- Other

Install it like a normal plugin!

Sounds pretty handy.  I also added this info to the first post.
Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]
St0rMaGe Wrote: [ -> ]tnx!!!

but what does it do??

LOL.  you know - I wasn't exactly sure myself.  I did some googling and found this:

Quote:With that tool you can repair corrupted saves.

MagicSave Features:
Save files directly to qualified service
- Repairing a corrupted save file
- Save file patching (modified checksum code application modifications, handling and other free)
- Save file backup (CFW of Ver-independent files)
- Search the flag state compared to the non-encrypted data
Collecting · GameKey
- Other

Install it like a normal plugin!

Sounds pretty handy.  I also added this info to the first post.

Tnx again!!
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