Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Released] Adventure Game Studio Runtime v3.21 R2
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A port of the Adventure Game Studio (AGS) runtime engine to the PlayStation Portable. At the moment only games made with AGS 3.2x and low resolution are supported.


[Image: ags_screenshot_xmb_thumb.png]
[Image: ags_screenshot_menu_thumb.png]
[Image: ags_screenshot_beacon_thumb.png]
[Image: ags_screenshot_foydemo_thumb.png]


This software is licensed under the Artistic License 2.0. Instructions on how to run AGS games with this engine can be found in the readme.txt file.

AGS_Runtime_for_PSP_3.21_R2.zip (1353 KiB)

The source code is available on Gitorious: http://gitorious.org/~jjs/ags/ags-for-psp

If you want to help with development of AGS, check out the official engine release thread and the AGS Technical Forum in general.


Please send questions and comments to software@jjs.at. Make sure to read the readme.txt file first.

News Source:  jjs.at
But what is this? xD What does this do?
Looks cool thanks Shizzy

but what is this??
what does it do?
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