Anyone known offset icons at vshmain.prx 5.00-5.03??? And bytes which need change for hide icons.
Look like this is started from 00043DBC
but change 07 » 06 or FFFF FFFF » 0000 0000 don't hide icons in my custom theme, enabled through CXMB (on 5.03-Promo4).
I want to remove/hide/disable useless xmb icon like: Camera, PSN Store and some other...
i know that this doesn't answer your question,,
but can't u just simply delete the "useless" pics from the rco so there's no icon anymore?
eznoir Wrote: [ -> ]i know that this doesn't answer your question,,
but can't u just simply delete the "useless" pics from the rco so there's no icon anymore?
At this metod icons are INVISIBILITY but when u navigate u can move at BLANK place, where must be icon. So this method is not right.
ah,, i see... little misunderstanding here
so you want to disable some options in main menu?
to be honest i don't think cxmb can do this much to the vshmain.prx otherwise it would endanger things like 6.20's permanent patch (since it modifies vshmain.prx in flash0)
well, I'm not a pro at this tough, let's wait for others' comment
I know nothing about Hex Editing but I know "Takeshi XMB Customizer" will remove certain icons in the main XMB...I've used it to removed the Camera icon. I tried to use it to remove the PSN icons but the Main/Top PSN icon still shows..
Also, I don't know if Takeshi XMB Customizer work with anything above 5.00.
Hope this helps...