Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Offsets that aren't in CTFGui?
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For example, in my effort to moving the XMB text to X=0 and Y=0 i was
unsuccessful lol
So i decided to implement The 3rd Birthday PAF.prx to my
"work in progress" theme.

And yes the text was were i wanted it but when i scrolled left it went right
and when i scrolled right in went left lol

So then am asking, are all the discovered offsets in CTFGui??
junKie Wrote: [ -> ]And yes the text was were i wanted it but when i scrolled left it went right
and when i scrolled right in went left lol

lol, you must be talking about its main XMB icon right? Hihi

i think it's because he set the "Space Between Main icons X 80" to minus value
junKie Wrote: [ -> ]For example, in my effort to moving the XMB text to X=0 and Y=0 i was
unsuccessful lol
So i decided to implement The 3rd Birthday PAF.prx to my
"work in progress" theme.

And yes the text was were i wanted it but when i scrolled left it went right
and when i scrolled right in went left lol

So then am asking, are all the discovered offsets in CTFGui??

You can also add any offsets that are discovered.
I think I might start a (long overdue) 6.39 offsets thread tonight  :)
there are a few x offsets for the sub menu text position wich aren't in prxeditor,..
x position sub menu settings
x position sub menu main
x position sub menu 1seg also mebbe DC

i think mebbe there is 1 or 2 but def not all,. for they position there are are offsets sub mneu text and memorystick text,. (above line beneath line,..)
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