18/07/2011, 03:04 AM
18/07/2011, 03:10 AM
Hey, PRO is great. I swear. I've been using 6.35 PRO-B8 too. And I can tell 'ya. It's cool. Plus more cool themes. And PSX Games compatible :)
18/07/2011, 03:12 AM
danyelramirez Wrote: [ -> ]Hey, PRO is great. I swear. I've been using 6.35 PRO-B8 too. And I can tell 'ya. It's cool. Plus more cool themes. And PSX Games compatible :)
PRO is not great, it's Excellently Super Mega Ultra Awesomely Great.
18/07/2011, 03:13 AM
18/07/2011, 10:59 AM
i got 6.35 Pro-b8 to work. when i run the installer it won't let me install to flash permanently. temp boot works fine. it says the hold L to install it and i sat there for like 5 minutes holding it.. i know back in the day wee had to have stuff like the OFW eboot bbut idk anymore since i havent messed with a psp in over a year.. lol everythings different now.. the 6.35 Pro-b8 i got was probably a patch to update CFW that's already installed..... but then why would it temp boot the CFW.. i even checked it the system settings to see what firmware it said.... confused LOL
18/07/2011, 11:08 AM
CFW on the PSP-Go is basicly a HEN, anyway, with a permanent patch wich is NOT recommended on a PSP-GO!
That's why i prefer 620TN-C HEN with aloader or 639TN-Extended,.. i really don't mind to reboot into a HEN if necessarily,..
That's why i prefer 620TN-C HEN with aloader or 639TN-Extended,.. i really don't mind to reboot into a HEN if necessarily,..
18/07/2011, 11:55 AM
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]CFW on the PSP-Go is basicly a HEN, anyway, with a permanent patch wich is NOT recommended on a PSP-GO!
That's why i prefer 620TN-C HEN with aloader or 639TN-Extended,.. i really don't mind to reboot into a HEN if necessarily,..
ok ok i understand now... so if just load 6.35 Pro-b8 as just a temp boot i can use plugins and unsigned eboots and homebrew and stuff? actually just temp booting CFW works better for me anyways.. its not a big hassle with a go
18/07/2011, 12:06 PM
Azumi Wrote: [ -> ]Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]CFW on the PSP-Go is basicly a HEN, anyway, with a permanent patch wich is NOT recommended on a PSP-GO!
That's why i prefer 620TN-C HEN with aloader or 639TN-Extended,.. i really don't mind to reboot into a HEN if necessarily,..
ok ok i understand now... so if just load 6.35 Pro-b8 as just a temp boot i can use plugins and unsigned eboots and homebrew and stuff? actually just temp booting CFW works better for me anyways.. its not a big hassle with a go
there have been reports of PSP-Go bricks with a permanent patch,. mebbe its save now,. but patch or no patch its still a HEN,..
i like my Go :)
18/07/2011, 01:41 PM
ok so i used this http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=27326
and it works great and i love it... thanks for all the help
and it works great and i love it... thanks for all the help
18/07/2011, 02:41 PM