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Full Version: [FAKE] PSP CFW 6.39 Team-Nom HEN
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[Image: PSPCFW639Team-NomHEN.jpg]

Team-Nom aka Nommy who has decided to release their first PSP CFW known as PSP CFW 6.39 Team-Nom HEN to the homebrew community. They had stated they had tested on PSP 1000 and PSP 2000 models, But can’t confirm for PSP 3000 and or PSP Go System. This new PSP Custom Firmware 6.39 is full with some pretty cool features already found in other PSP CFW HEN release such as psx support which the developer claims run all PSX Game smoothly. A vhs, a auto plugin enabler and a if course a psn update bypass according to the developer. Wee had not tested this nor could confirm that it does work. However, Wee do ask users who tend to run this to make sure to have a Pandora Battery in Handy just in case something goes wrong. Remember that installing a PSP CFW into your PSP will void your PSP Sony Warranty so be careful.

Quote:Developer Statement


- psx support (any game run’s smoothly)

- vhs

- plugin anabler (auto)

- psn update bypass

- and all other standard’s
does not have ISO Loader yet



Original Source
Thankx for the news:)

BUT is anyone gonna try this?
I might try it just get to play my VHS movies 0_o, this is completely fake just like the 6.XX M33 HEN's.
Warranty is void only if you return it with cfw, lol. And seriously, who would be dumb enough, I don't know.

However, returning it bricked with cfw on it can, and in very few cases will (depending on the store), void your warranty. Some stores can send it to a local Sony shop where they can check for cfw or any sign of attempt to install cfw (for instance if it's only partially flashed). So watch out for that.
I ♥ GUCCI Wrote: [ -> ]Thankx for the news:)

BUT is anyone gonna try this?

It would be nice if you were to use a font color that wasn't the same as the background, especially since you usually have something good to say.  Just a thought from someone who enjoys reading your posts.
cboushell Wrote: [ -> ]
I ♥ GUCCI Wrote: [ -> ]Thankx for the news:)

BUT is anyone gonna try this?

It would be nice if you were to use a font color that wasn't the same as the background, especially since you usually have something good to say.  Just a thought from someone who enjoys reading your posts.

Hahahaha, don't worry I'll change the color to something else.
DSpider Wrote: [ -> ]Warranty is void only if you return it with cfw, lol. And seriously, who would be dumb enough, I don't know.
No way in hell am I going to try this, I am going to stick with the pros. PRO, ME, & TN.
thanks i try this
If anyone has tried this on a PSP 3000, let me know. so i can contact Team Nom about it.
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