Ok so I'm trying to play games on my PC, recently installed a new graphics card ATI HD5770 I think. All the drivers are up to date and so is my directx but when I try loading one up, all I get is a black screen or a black screen with the "loading" cursor :/
Any halp? (Running XP)
with an ATI HD5770 you prob should try and install windows7,. O_o other then that i can't really be of any help,. :/
Yeah probablly XP doesn't support this graphic card:)
I can play some games though :O I'm sure it would support it...
Well which games don't work?
Do you have the required drivers installed?
what game in particular ?
'gratz on the new card by the way
For some reason it loads the games if I close it and then open it again....so I guess its solved?? lol
Yeh Boogs it's so nice to finally have the graphics not flicking on and off and making wierd spikes lol
Quite a few games are making Vista the minimum nowadays - so while you may have luck with XP it might be worth considering an upgrade to 7 at some point.