Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Horrible News
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our baby was 10 weeks old last tuesday.
thursday of last week wee put him to bed and hes was a good baby. he slept all night and never woke up except tp want his diaper changed. he usually gets up a 9am every morning and i take care of him all day while crazie is working till i go back to work.

wee woke up friday morning and check on him and found him dead. the medical examiner says it was SIDS and that there was nothing at all wee could have done for him even if a doctor had been right there when he passed away.
i know i don't know any of you IRL but i just wanted to share the news since ive been on EP for a long time now off and on. heres a link to the obituary if anyone cares to see

[Image: qrmzxj.jpg]
i love him so much.. he was my world
I am very sorry to hear about this
It won't mean much coming from me. Though I've known you for quite some time you probably don't even remember me. But I am sorry to hear such bad news, I looked up what SIDS was, so tragic.
It really sucks that this happened to your baby and I feel so bad I want to say more but I don't know what to say exactly, I just hope you can cherish what you have and continue living a happy life with your wife. I feel so sad for your loss Azumi. May he rest in peace...
condolence to your baby azumi, hope that your family get well soon
dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]I am very sorry to hear about this
dark_mirage Wrote: [ -> ]I am very sorry to hear about this

Same here...
So Sorry to hear for your loss man, that's absolutely heartwrenching. As said before, i know it doesn't mean much coming from some of us, i know people who have been victims of SIDs, as parents, and its one of the most tragic things i could ever imagine happening
That's absolutely tragic. I can't imagine the pain. EP's thoughts are with you.
life isn't fair man.
not fair at all. :'(
Man that is awful :( I'm so sorry.
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