Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] Game on XMB Theme
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This is A work of Art.
True art doesn't even look this good sometimes.
But one quick question,When i press triangle What does the text say?
(Sorry had  to ask)
Thankx man, this is awesome:)
awesome theme
Added 5.50 & 5.00.

Rustii Wrote: [ -> ]This is A work of Art.
True art doesn't even look this good sometimes.
But one quick question,When i press triangle What does the text say?
(Sorry had  to ask)

"開始しますか?" = "Do you start?" in Japanese :)
Hey, nice theme. Thanks for this. I converted it for 6.35 CFW. If anyone wants it.
This is the link: Game on XMB - 6.35 CFW
What a great job, TSENEDA. It's very addictive and hard. I can't beat those two things after the 1st guy that appears behind me.Whyowhy Is there anyway to get those XML files and implement them on another themes? Keep up the good work!
pietro025 Wrote: [ -> ]Is there anyway to get those XML files and implement them on another themes? Keep up the good work!

The animation is on topmenu_plugin.rco
For your information.

Check this out:
wow looks by the comments the theme is really cool! might try it later, thanks tseneda!
Awesome theme
for 5.50 freeze ;;

PSP-2000 x CFW5.50Prome-4 x CXMB v.???(forgot...)
cxmb MD5 = a018f2f0050c653e988a89fde6d03f1d

PSP-2000 x CFW5.50Prome-4 x CXMB for 3.71-6.39 v2
cxmb MD5 = cf0c33462be0562f6e354c7f05a00623

other themes operate ...
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