Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 6.20-6.39 "BLUE" theme
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This is my theme i made in about a day, i call it BLUE, yeah i know some name xD
well screen shots and credits below:

[Image: pic0000k.png]
[Image: pic0001d.png]
[Image: pic0002t.png]
[Image: pic0003r.png]
[Image: pic0004x.png]

download attached below.

ZingaBurga: RCO editor
Patpat: Ctf tool gui
Custompsp.de: for the rco and prx files
and Endlessparadigm.com : for the help i needed

the download below contains the theme for 6.20, 6.35, 6.38, and 6.39 :)
Very nice, I'll try it out later
Cool! i had have to try this theme when i get home,. Madwin
Very cool! It looks like Adr!an's redmoze with different Icons. Maybe you should credit him. Just a thought. :D
Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]Very cool! It looks like Adr!an's redmoze with different Icons. Maybe you should credit him. Just a thought. :D

lol wow it actually does haha, but I didn't use his theme I did it from a clean xmb flash: )
Ah. Ok.
excellent work!

it's currently my theme!!
ide use it but it doesn't work with game categories lite 1.3
Is the USB Screen animated??
Nice! thanks for sharing ~_~
Pages: 1 2
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