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Since the launch of the PSP , Sony struggle to counter the world underground that kept expanding. And for good reason, over the years, the passage in firmware 1.5 and custom firmware subsequently became more and more simple: since the downgrade with the game GTA to the Custom Firmwares not permanent it is today , everything will be spent: Half Byte Loader , the HEN of Davee , and finally the Pandora Battery .

This battery is a battery other patched with a utility that allows the PSP , coupled with a memory card called "magic" to access the service mode . With this kit , it was possible to install a CFW directly on a PSP . Better yet, this process also de-brick a console!

[Image: 09028001E000328455.jpg]
A battery, memory card... Pandora Kit A full...

After months of struggle, Sony has managed to make this kit inoperative on PSP Slim . Initially, the company put on the market for consoles equipped motherboards that could not patch a battery, but eventually, thanks to the motherboard TA-88v3 she managed to make the package completely unusable. The PSP 3000 , their sale, were equipped with more security.

It took several years before wee can use a kit Pandora on PSP 2000 TA-88v3 . Russian developers, Boryana and ErikPshat , have indeed found a way to move beyond the security imposed by Sony to use a kit Pandora on the model of PSP .

It Frostegater reveals that this process through the blog of Wololo . Note that the files used are mostly illegal.

The method is to write on a memory card with the game normally available in "read only" may change, thanks to special software, some files used by the usual after-sales services for Sony (which is illegal ) and the IPL of Sony , so that, combined with the Pandora Battery has a memory card allows PSP 2000 TA-88v3 boot into service mode . More details on the preparation of the memory card can be found here.

Yoti , developer known for updated PSPIdent , tested the process and has put together a video of the result. It shows the installation of the firmware official 5.02, installing a custom firmware is currently not possible with this process. He said he did not use PSP 2000 TA-88v3 , lack of resources, but it should however work on this model of PSP.

YouTube Video

Some may wonder what can make this discovery to the stage, all the PSP to be compatible with one or more Custom Firmwares , who move with ease. First, this process can help people who have accidentally brick a PSP 2000 TA-88v3 . And with a little extra effort, it is probably possible to create a Pandora kit compatible with the PSP 3000 . Otherwise, it remains a major discovery in the history of our beloved console, even if it is the end of life, continues to give us secrets, and always offers a challenge to developers.

I have a bricked 3000 but there will be no soldering to the motherboard, I tell you that.

And from what I've read on "wololo" (link), the Pandora battery kicks in in 88v3 but doesn't read the magic ms, and the 3k doesn't even read the battery. Bummer.

This could be good for someone whose warranty is up (those models were sold in 2009 or so). I'll probably just sell mine for parts, keep the battery and add the difference to get one of those 3k "09g" models, which I've read they're the latest models. Sony always fixes stuff in newer revisions, doesn't just patch security holes.
My firend's ta-088v3 was bricked as well, hope this can fix it:)

Thankx for the news:)
Added new video evidence of the service package JigKick on PSP-2006 TA-088v3!

Pandora (unbricker/downgrader) for the TA-088v3 PSP-200X.

This service is not a memory card piracy, since does not establish a pirate custom firmware.
It sets the official firmware 5.02 SONY
All files SONY no way been modified, and are in their original form they were originally.
In any case, the license agreement, wee were not asked and wee did not suggest any license conditions.

Wee only work has been done, to change the MSID in non-original cards Memory Stick (NoName).
But there is no interference and attempts to hack the original memory card SONY Memory Stick ™ is not provided.
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