Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The other Nyu. [SIG]
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My hopes to impress natalie. ;3 Hi

[Image: nuyu.png]

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! YayYay

EDIT: Fixed:

Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]the warping I see near the text smells of content-aware abuse but I might be wrong~~

xBu Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe add something to the right side, looks a little empty >.<

ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]Also that is Lucy, not Nyuu.

^All above fix'd/ :3
I find it quite strange a number of you call Vacui by her name on here lol

But that's just me xD

Also that is Lucy, not Nyuu.

The sig however is pretty good.
^ I know it's not nyu, but that's what Kouta and Yuka Call her. Plus, I think it's kinda cute. :D
Maybe add something to the right side, looks a little empty >.<
xBu Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe add something to the right side, looks a little empty >.<

very empty...

the warping I see near the text smells of content-aware abuse but I might be wrong~~

I love her expression in this render~
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]I find it quite strange a number of you call Vacui by her name on here lol

Well it is on her username after all Vacui_Natale, just add an I before E

Also, I agree with xBu the right side looks totally plain yo.
I never said it was a bad thing lol

a lot of you know my name but you don't address me by it
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]I never said it was a bad thing lol

Haha of course not Daniel
eKusoshisut0 Wrote: [ -> ]
ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]I never said it was a bad thing lol

Haha of course not Daniel

I lol'd quite a bit.
i feel so privileged~
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