Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] Honeycomb SHELL
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[Image: 295bthi.png]

Idea starts from the Honeycomb theme and i decide to make an shell for android lovers.This comes with some cool functions like:

-Mp3 player
-File browser
-Usb Mode
-Button tester
-Pixel Fixer
-System info
and others


Extract "HONEYCOMB" file.
Copy the "SHELL" folder in ms0:/PSP/GAME

This shell is made by ike195 and reksio12.

-ike195 made the graphics
-reksio12 made the scripting

The SHELL comes with a bonus,the Honeycomb theme

Download SHELL

Excellent work!
i like ur shell
Looks good! I'll have to try it out.
thank dude, is it work on 5.03?
Why the hell it keeps doubling the posts?
Nice work, gonna use it.
Awsome Man !! keep it up

Nice shell, but could you please modify your release a little bit because it is quite misleading.

Please change "[RELEASE] Android SHELL" to "[RELEASE] Android Shell" and
"Download SHELL" to "Download Android Shell" or "Download the shell".

This is simply because my application is called SHELL and I don't want to have it be confused with your shell. It is quite misleading at the moment.

Thank you.


Pages: 1 2
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