Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] PMF Player v1.4
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[Image: 60738590.jpg]

Homebrew coder DJGodman has updated his handy App PMF Player to Version 1.4, which allows you to load intros, cintros and gameboots .pmf files straight from your PSPs.

Quote:version 1.4
Bug Fixed And Added More Info
version 1.3
First PMF Loader

Install :

1)Here you can put your pmf file (intros/cintros/gameboots), rename your pmf file to ( cintro.pmf )

2)Intall The Program
ms0:/PSP/GAME/PMF Player/eboot.pbp /pmfPlayer.prx

Download: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/37haq0l2rksxdnv...4.zip?dl=1
WOW I know it was ready, but he didn't told me anything about releasing it yet.
thanks! ^^
Cool thanks.
Grey Ghost Wrote: [ -> ]Cool thanks.
Anytime, you're welcome Yay
DJGodman Wrote: [ -> ]v1.5 comes with more features

Cool!  Madwin

Got a download link?
Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]
DJGodman Wrote: [ -> ]v1.5 comes with more features

Cool!  Madwin

Got a download link?
Upon taking a look at this:  I find this "release" to be very suspicious DJGodman...

Included in the release are 3 .prx files.  

The first, "pmfPlayer.prx" is the same exact file included with the 4 year old PMF Player release..
Another prx named "068390loader.prx" is nothing more than the plugin PSP3d.prx and you just renamed it.

The third included .prx in your "release" is pmfSdosloader.prx.  This is nothing more than GTA cheat device renamed..  

The old PMF Player is open sourced, so I'm guessing you just made a new makefile added some eboot art, and threw a few renamed .prx files into the folder and called it a "release"?  yes?  Hmmm
Mr. Shizzy Wrote: [ -> ]Upon taking a look at this:  I find this "release" to be very suspicious DJGodman...

Included in the release are 3 .prx files.  

The first, "pmfPlayer.prx" is the same exact file included with the 4 year old PMF Player release..
Another prx named "068390loader.prx" is nothing more than the plugin PSP3d.prx and you just renamed it.

The third included .prx in your "release" is pmfSdosloader.prx.  This is nothing more than GTA cheat device renamed..  

The old PMF Player is open sourced, so I'm guessing you just made a new makefile added some eboot art, and threw a few renamed .prx files into the folder and called it a "release"?  yes?  Hmmm

Nice find Mr. Shizzy

He should be eXx1l3d.

Fucking lame donkey faker.
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