Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Team-Nom HEN/CFW
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I just found this in facebook.It is said that they are developing 6.39 Hen/Cfw for psp.It is also seem that they also develop Homebrew.The Hen will be name TN HEN!!!stand for "Team-Nom HEN".here is the description of the page :

Quote:Team-Nom new homebrew? it will be :)
any questions be asked will be ansured properly and truthfully (:

CFW?: no wee do not work to make CFW yet but hopefully will soon

H/Bgames?: yes. they will be signed Team-Nom

themes?: wee will make themes when wee get around to it

plugins?: no, wee havent got around to plugins and not going to until near futture

downgrades?: wee might do a downgrade as a testing

recruits needed?: yes wee need more to work with us to help the psp comunity
they must have a psp
how wee do it?: wee started off by debuging games and psp systems and using them to make our h/b

downloads will be free of course, our downloads will be on mediafire.
*****************to the newbies**************************

wee will not waste time to teach you to learn C++ wee will tell you to learn it in you'r spear time and use youtube to lean how to make H/B.

somewhat harsh yes, but it is worth it by the time you can make homebrews

they must be familiar with CFW and homebrew as they should.....

learning to make homebrews aint easy.. but with Team-Nom wee will make it easier for you to learn, a simple step by step small step at a time,

there will be a program to help you to start off at homebrewing


Nommy (owner)

Faid (trainie)

Shmoooo (app maker and C++ expert)


Faid : Faid gives ideas at the moment while he is learning C++ and H/B making to beccome a H/B maker so he can help put together our homebrews

Smoooo : makes applications to say what Team-Nom does (info) at the moment but soon will make other homebrew stuff

Nommy : as an owner that knows how to make H/B port old games to the psp and on.....

Here is the information about their CFW/HEN :

Quote:Team-Nom hen (TN hen) 6.39 has bin tested on psp 1000 , 2000 so far next will be 3000 but unfortunatly i do not own a GO so psp go can't be tested but most likley to be working fine....

in the mean time waiting for Team-N hen to be compleated and releashed for the people supporting team nom. just hang on in there and play some Team-Nom homebrews


Quote:Team-Nom's Hen has bin compleated at last. bit over due, due to some bug fiix

stuff it has on it)

- TN VSH (donated by psp-hack.com)

- settings list (like total noob's hen. by Team-Nom owner Nommy)

- plugin enabler (Nommy Team-Nom owner)

- frimeware required bypass (by Nommy Team-Nom owner)

- (extras by Team-Nom owner and downloaded from psp-hacks.com to compleat one or two bug fix)


Well I don't know what there are up to.Is it true they are developing Hen for psp or they are just bluffing??...Dotdotdot There are also a post in their page that claim that they has found kernel exploit for 6.35/6.38.but they never release it.

Here is the page: Team-Nom- Psp HB
Noway TN-HEN??

also, i think they just Hexed the TN-HEN..
Sounds fake:)
wee don't need those cfw anymore... wee have TN Hen and Pro :)
asurabp Wrote: [ -> ]wee don't need those cfw anymore... wee have TN Hen and Pro :)

I ♥ GUCCI Wrote: [ -> ]
asurabp Wrote: [ -> ]wee don't need those cfw anymore... wee have TN Hen and Pro :)


Don't forget ME.
junKie Wrote: [ -> ]Don't forget ME.

asurabp Wrote: [ -> ]wee don't need those cfw anymore... wee have TN Hen and Pro :)
junKie Wrote: [ -> ]Don't forget ME.

Agreed!!! Madwin
Rea_pErz Wrote: [ -> ]
asurabp Wrote: [ -> ]wee don't need those cfw anymore... wee have TN Hen and Pro :)
junKie Wrote: [ -> ]Don't forget ME.

Agreed!!! Madwin

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