I have a problem (not sure if it a problem)
My heart in my username has turned into "♥":)
Can u fix it?
I thought I had all charset issues covered.
But please fix this problem.
Demanding aren't wee?
* Joom prods Zinga with a stick
Bro your avatar is really epic:)
I really like it!
Okay, looks like I'm going to spend the next few hours writing a script to fix the mess mysqldump left behind. Thank you mysqldump for not f'ing respecting the charset I explicitly passed to you.
This might screw up any special characters that gets posted from now on.
D:> That means I can no longer
Well, spent the last few hours rebuilding the character set collation.
Oh what fun... >_>
I hope all the posts work fine. Can anyone check with some old posts with non-English characters?