Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] Password Lock Plugin for HEN/CFW 6.20
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First of all, you guys wanted no more uploads on free hosters, right?
I will upload now stuff on my DropBox account, only for you guys!
BUT help me to become more space there, then I can stay there. If not, I have to upload again stuff on MU and UL..cheers

SO help me to get more space! CLICK HERE; REGISTER FOR FREE AND GET 2GB SPACE!

[Image: pic00046l.jpg]

Coder bpterson has released a password control plugin for HEN/CFW 6.20 TN-E, 6.20 PRO-B7. This plugin will enable a password protection before entering the PSP's XMB.

The usage is really simple:
Put passctrl.prx at ms0:/seplugins/ or ef0:/seplugins/
And add plugin path at vsh.txt.


Dl: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/ivrc4ajz4hu9j4h...0.zip?dl=1
finally a password lock plugin for 6.20
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]Coder bpterson has released a password control plugin for HEN/CFW 6.20 TN-E, 6.20 PRO-B7. This plugin will enable a password protection before entering the PSP's XMB.

Hoho Umm...
Doesn't 6.20 TN-E have the password control feature already?
By the way thankx for the release:)
CFW 6.20 TN-E comes with one already, but not 6.20 PRO, so it's a nice Plugin.
its not working on my psp 3000, 3g 6.20 pro-b7 ,., what should i do to make this work ?? ,., please reply ,.
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]First of all, you guys wanted no more uploads on free hosters, right?
I will upload now stuff on my DropBox account, only for you guys!
BUT help me to become more space there, then I can stay there. If not, I have to upload again stuff on MU and UL..cheers

SO help me to get more space! CLICK HERE; REGISTER FOR FREE AND GET 2GB SPACE!

[Image: pic00046l.jpg]

Coder bpterson has released a password control plugin for HEN/CFW 6.20 TN-E, 6.20 PRO-B7. This plugin will enable a password protection before entering the PSP's XMB.

The usage is really simple:
Put passctrl.prx at ms0:/seplugins/ or ef0:/seplugins/
And add plugin path at vsh.txt.


Dl: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/ivrc4ajz4hu9j4h...0.zip?dl=1

DO NOT USE DROPBOX. They suck so bad.
mateogodlike Wrote: [ -> ]DO NOT USE DROPBOX. They suck so bad.

Dropbox doesn't suck. Also, you could always just upload the file as an attachment if it isn't too large.
ButtBeardJoomla Wrote: [ -> ]Dropbox doesn't suck. Also, you could always just upload the file as an attachment if it isn't too large.

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