25/06/2011, 01:47 PM
![[Image: 0000.png]](http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24130607/0000.png)
![[Image: 0001.png]](http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24130607/0001.png)
![[Image: 0002.png]](http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24130607/0002.png)
“CustomHOME” is the plugin that makes HOME MENU more convenient.
Developer Statement
Quote:[add]You can display warning when battery is low and menu display.
[add]prxlibmenu.prx and cmLibMask.prx support.
So,please place the lib folder. iThey are also used pwrCtrl.
[add]You can network update from Internet radio.
please place the “cushome.prs” onms0:/PSP/RADIOPLAYER.
Viable environment
Work on all custom firmware version.
1. Put “cushome.prx” , “cushome.ini” and “lib” in seplugins directory on your PSP memory stick
2. and append ms0:/seplugins/cushome.prx to game.txt files.
3. Reboot your PSP.
How to use
The menu is displayed by pushing the Home button while playing a game.
*plugin Disable if you pressing HOME button and run the game.
#Exit Game :Exit the game and return XMB.
#Reset Game :Restart the game.(this function disabled when you use “Prometheus Iso Loader”)
#Shutdown :Shutdown PSP.
#Sleep :Suspend PSP.
#Stop/Start :Game pause / resume. (Only Stop Game is OFF )
#Back :Close menu.
#Settings :Change settings.
+Language :Change languageiJapanese or Englishj
+Menu :Change the menu display method
(Always display:hidden after a few seconds:Display when button pressed)
+Volume/Status :Volume and Status display modify change (ON or OFF)
+Description :The description is enabled / disable (ON or OFF)
+Infotype :Change Infotype
+Display :Volume and Status displays detail set.
+ChangeButton :Change enter buttoniX or Oj
+ChangeColor :Change font color (red: green: blue)
+Mute :Mute when menu show (ON or OFF)
@+Display the Battery warning
:When battery is low and menu display, display warningiON or OFFj
+Stop Game :Stop the game when the menu display (ON or OFF)
How to edit date format
you can use these things.
%hour12 (time format 12)
Example : [%weekday %monthnum-%day-%year %hour24]
Example2: %weekday, %day. %monthname %year %hour12:%min:%sec %ampm