Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
I thought it was great.  I definitely like the guitar parts :)
Sounding good - it is ear-rape at higher volume though xD

There are some real good elements in there. Pretty intense outro too.

Are you saying anything in particular? Can't make it out.
Dead already, death day, death, day, death day. Dead already, death day, death day, death day. What's going on? He's dead, dead already. Swear on your life that he's dead. No soul.

This was more of a jam session than anything.

this is awesome.
Andrew8100 Wrote: [ -> ]Nice!!!!
I really enjoyed by listening....Only some bitterly volume high,overall good....
Nice sharing....Keep it up.

You didn't listen to it. This file doesn't exist anymore and hasn't existed for two months or so.
He was just being polite!
I suspect him to be a spammer, but I'll leave it at that for now.
Pages: 1 2
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