Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I was Playing MGS 2 Sons of liberty then i was creeped out.
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*Contains MGS2 spoilers*

I was Playing MGS 2 Sons of liberty then i was creeped out.

i was on the Arsenal Gear part.
And this creeped me out....

Look carefully when raiden steps in and out of that door.
the location says "New York".

I experience that i while ago.
I was playing MGS 2 around 2:00 AM.

Then that weird colonel was saying some creepy things like:

Colonel: Turn of the console!

colonel: you played to much, turn that thing off.

colonel: too much video game can ruin your eyes

That really creeped me out.....

Note to self: Do not play games on MIDNIGHT.
: | Don't see how this is scary, funny part is doing cartwheels upstairs and failing hard.
It's Kojima breaking the 4th dimension, and to thing people actually turned their consoles off >.<
Feelin a Draft there St0rMaGe??
i want to play mgs now
That was kind of creepy though. Hafroze
Hideo is a freaking genius. I love all his little jokes in his mgs games. I want to play peace walker now....
i actually turned off the console when the colonel keep saying "You have been playing too long, turn off the console.
i thought the ps2 is overheating for playing 8 horus straight.
Spoiler warning next time bro. MGS2 is an incredible game, you should avoid spoiling it for those unfortunate souls that have never played it ;)

As for that part itself, I thought it was hilarious when I first reached it. I also loved the little Metal Gear 2 tribute.
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