24/06/2011, 10:19 AM
*Contains MGS2 spoilers*
I was Playing MGS 2 Sons of liberty then i was creeped out.
i was on the Arsenal Gear part.
And this creeped me out....
Look carefully when raiden steps in and out of that door.
the location says "New York".
I experience that i while ago.
I was playing MGS 2 around 2:00 AM.
Then that weird colonel was saying some creepy things like:
Colonel: Turn of the console!
colonel: you played to much, turn that thing off.
colonel: too much video game can ruin your eyes
That really creeped me out.....
Note to self: Do not play games on MIDNIGHT.
i was on the Arsenal Gear part.
And this creeped me out....
Look carefully when raiden steps in and out of that door.
the location says "New York".
I experience that i while ago.
I was playing MGS 2 around 2:00 AM.
Then that weird colonel was saying some creepy things like:
Colonel: Turn of the console!
colonel: you played to much, turn that thing off.
colonel: too much video game can ruin your eyes
That really creeped me out.....
Note to self: Do not play games on MIDNIGHT.