Endless Paradigm

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I ♥ GUCCI Wrote: [ -> ]*I ♥ GUCCI is glad no body got hurt:)

* junKie smacks I ♥ GUCCI from behind.
* DataKRASH punches I ♥ GUCCI in the face

* DataKRASH is EXTEMELY satisfied

* DataKRASH smokes a cigarette

*I ♥ GUCCI turns around, and just gives junkie a look.
Cause junkie just pissed in his pants:)


*I ♥ GUCCI takes Vacui_Natale's cigarette, and throws it away.
Cause smoking is bad for health:)

Now time for some action!!!
*I ♥ GUCCI gives both of them, a chokeslam:)
*St0rMaGe is watching.
* DataKRASH punches I ♥ GUCCI again

Fuck! I could do this all day!
St0rMaGe Wrote: [ -> ]
Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]
Rukia Wrote: [ -> ]No one has bullied me yet to take my epigs,?
:/ this school seems to nice

Wee're waiting until you're worth rolling over.
Wee are a professional bunch of thugs, and wee don't shake down people for pocket bacon.

Oh and I'm Snake, Naked snake. all of you can call me bigboss.

I came here to 'borrow'.

The BigBoss? The one who killed The Boss and then gets in the same box with Master Miller? and the same Big Boss who gets pwned twice by me? Solid Snake? pfft not much of a bully.
Razgriz375 Wrote: [ -> ]
St0rMaGe Wrote: [ -> ]
Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]
Rukia Wrote: [ -> ]No one has bullied me yet to take my epigs,?
:/ this school seems to nice

Wee're waiting until you're worth rolling over.
Wee are a professional bunch of thugs, and wee don't shake down people for pocket bacon.

Oh and I'm Snake, Naked snake. all of you can call me bigboss.

I came here to 'borrow'.

The BigBoss? The one who killed The Boss and then gets in the same box with Master Miller? and the same Big Boss who gets pwned twice by me? Solid Snake? pfft not much of a bully.


Bigboss: you are just a copy of me.........bitch!
Vacui_Natale Wrote: [ -> ]* Vacui_Natale punches I ♥ GUCCI again

Fuck! I could do this all day!
*I ♥ GUCCI takes Vacui_Nataie's head and smashes it in the wall:)
I ♥ GUCCI Wrote: [ -> ]
Vacui_Natale Wrote: [ -> ]* Vacui_Natale punches I ♥ GUCCI again

Fuck! I could do this all day!
*I ♥ GUCCI takes Vacui_Nataie's head and smashes it in the wall:)

* DataKRASH slams I ♥ GUCCI's face into a locker repeatedly until he stops breathing:)
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